Gatlinburg Visitors & Convention Bureau U.S. Map

70% of the U.S. population is within one a one-day drive from Heart of the Smokies.

Click here to go back to the Gatlinburg map.

The mileage chart is located under the map.

Miles to Gatlinburg: Atlanta, GA - 205
Birmingham, AL- 296
Charlotte, NC - 197
Charleston, WV - 316
Chicago, IL - 578
Cincinnati, OH - 323
Dallas, TX - 947
Daytona Beach, FL - 572
Dayton, OH - 375
Indianapolis, IN - 394
Lexington, KY - 240
Memphis, TN - 426
Nashville, TN - 220
New Orleans, LA- 661
St. Louis, MO - 549
Washington, DC - 508

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