Gatlinburg Visitors & Convention Bureau Map

The heart of a great vacation right in the Heart of the Smokies.

It's no wonder that the Gatlinburg and Great Smoky Mountains National Park region are the pre-eminent mountain vacation resort in the southeastern United States.

To see major transportation access routes and mileage to Gatlinburg from the eastern United States, Just click here.

We've got just about everything you could look for in a great vacation. And we're "so far and yet so near" within one day's drive of 70% of the U.S. population. So, no matter if you want to fly or drive in to Gatlinburg, we're easy to get to.

If you're planning a trip soon, check out the 5-day weather forecast.Here is some seasonal temperature information to help you plan your trip.

Please call or e-mail us if you have any questions.

Seasonal Temps:
Jan. - 50.1/28.7
Feb. - 50.7/27.5
Mar. - 59.8/35.3
Apr. - 73.5/44.8
May - 78.0/48.6
June - 86.2/56.7
July - 87.1/59.6
Aug. - 87.2/59.6
Sept. - 84.1/53.3
Oct. - 74.1/41.5
Nov. - 64.4/37.8
Dec. - 50.6/28.1

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