Creative Gallery Page

Creative Direction, Inc.
Creative Gallery.

"God is in the details,"
said famous architect, Mies Van der Rohe.
And close examination of the details involved
in creating great marketing solutions are
all important if you want to get to marketing heaven.
At the Gallery, you're invited to consider
the details of creative efforts.

You're invited to check in from time to time at the Creative Direction Creative Gallery.

At the Gallery, you'll find a presentation of recent client projects that might have particular application to your own marketing problems or new examples of work or techniques that I feel would be helpful in our continual improvement and professional development.

If you have any questions about the work, wish to submit something for consideration, or would like additional information, please phone or send e-mail to to Dick Parker at Creative Direction.

Elan Skis Interactive CD ROM.

"If you like skiing in the wide open spaces, wait 'til you ski in cyberspace," greets Mike Adams, President of Elan Skis, as he welcomes viewers to the new 1996 Elan Total Access CD.

Helping to position the Burlington, Vermont, ski manufacturer's high technology skis as a high technology solution to skiers who want to have access to the world of mountain sports is a lot easier if you communicate the message in a high technology fashion.

In this example of interactive marketing, the product line is demonstrated, new skis are featured, skiers are assisted in selecting the right models, and customers are directed to dealers throughout the United States. Starring Elan's own experts, the video is cool. The music is hot.

Screens from the Elan Skis "Elan Total Access" interactive CD-ROM.

Creative Direction, Copy, and Design:
Dick Parker, Creative Direction, Inc.
Art Production, Programming, and Technical Support:
Greg Phillips, PDG Design Group
Derek O'Dell, PDG Design Group

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Creative Direction, Inc.

23530 Joyce Avenue, Cicero, IN 46034 / Phone: (317) 984-8602 / (800) 638-6146 / Fax: (317) 984-3641
E-Mail: [email protected]

� 1995 Creative Direction, Inc.
Photographs: PhotoDisc