Creative & Technology Page

Creative Direction, Inc.
Creativity & Technology.

Computers are outselling television sets
in the United States...
There are 91,000 companies on the net,
Web sites double every 53 days,
9.9 million households use online services,
and Letterman got 5.5 million hits his first weekend...
You still think the future isn't here now?

Now, a few important words on technology.

The world is rapidly changing. Business is changing. Your market is changing. And the requirements to keep pace with this evolution in commerce has demanded a revolution in the way we approach solving problems.

Concentrating on the cutting edge of technology has allowed me not only to keep pace with this change, but to race ahead and claim new territory for my clients. The use of computers for creative and production purposes is not a substitute for is simply a more powerful tool to get the job done faster, less expensively, and with more quality. It also allows one to access more ammunition (the database, interactive interface with customers, instant transmission of information, etc.) to outgun your competition.

Off-line (Interactive CD-ROMs, kiosks, and presentation software and) and on-line (internet, AOL, Compuserve, Prodigy, etc.) interactive marketing are not the wave of the future. They are viable, efficient, and effective resources available to meet your marketing goals now. This new media, and how it will develop in the very near future, requires new strategies and a different way of thinking when communicating to your prospects or clients.

The new technologies have not only created a new marketing canvas on which to paint, they have provided an exciting new palette of brilliant strategic and tactical solutions. And they have also allowed great advancements in the creation and production of traditional marketing communications print and broadcast materials in a faster, more cost efficient, and higher quality of execution.

As a creative pioneer and leader in the implementation of constantly developing marketing communications technology, I have been able to achieve things for my clients not possible a few years, and sometimes, a few months ago.

How does that apply to you?

I will be able to respond to your needs faster. I will save you money. And I will be able to spend more time developing better ideas and more alternative approaches and programs than you've probably ever experienced before.

Now, that's the power of creativity!

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Creative Direction, Inc.

23530 Joyce Avenue, Cicero, IN 46034 / Phone: (317) 984-8602 / (800) 638-6146 / Fax: (317) 984-3641
E-Mail: [email protected]

� 1995 Creative Direction, Inc.
Photographs: PhotoDisc