Power of Creativity Page

Creative Direction, Inc.
The Power of Creativity.

My mission in life as well as in business
is to simply utilize the power of creativity
in all I do to help my clients and friends.
My passion is to do it incredibly well.
That's why I created Creative Direction, Inc.,
a company dedicated to this philosophy.

Please allow me to introduce myself and my business, Creative Direction, Inc.

My name is Dick Parker and I am a terrific Creative Director. Probably one of the best ever. I am interested in working with incredibly ambitious and honorable individuals and companies who demand great work.

As a pioneer in the use of computers in graphic design, broadcast, and multi-media applications, I can truly say that the new digital media seems to have evolved especially for me. The many disciplines involved and the intertwined problem-solving aspects demand exactly the kind of knowledge and aptitude that I possess.

I'm a Creative Director who can bring together all the creative power necessary to get the job done right. A Creative Director with a left brain that knows its business. Is disciplined. Efficient. Accountable. Even logical. And with a right brain that continually explodes with innovative, highly impactful ideas. That are exciting. Funny. Daring. Challenging. The kind of work that makes competitors jealous. And you rich and famous.

Well, maybe rich.

To be sure, I've helped make a lot of other clients rich. Some famous. And I invite you to check out my background and client experience elsewhere in this document. There are probably a few names you'll recognize.

My mission in life as well as business is to simply utilize the power of creativity in all I do to help my clients. My passion is to do it incredibly well.

That's why I created Creative Direction, Inc., a company dedicated to this end. Creative Direction is a resource and a power to bring together the best people possible to help meet your marketing communications objectives...very efficiently on an as-needed or project basis, with a willingness to respond quickly in our high velocity business environment, and at a standard of excellence rarely experienced today.

You won't find this level of personal attention within the confines of most traditional marketing communications agencies. It doesn't exist there today. Because the most talented and most principled will not settle for the mediocre pace and demands of business as usual.

My current client projects include work for Oscar Mayer Foods Corporation, Kraft Foods, Elan Skis, Sports Alliance, American Cyanamid, Ambulatory Innovations, HealthNet, Forensic Technologies International, The Estridge Companies, Marbaugh Color Systems Group, and DuPont. A more extensive list of client experience is available.

Creative communications have changed dramatically over the past few years. And they will continue to evolve in the foreseeable future. Leaner budgets, tougher objectives, and tighter deadlines have made the need for more efficient and effective ways to implement communications programs more important than ever.

Creative Direction was founded to help develop, direct, and manage creative strategic and tactical communications materials and programs for businesses who seriously market their products and services.

The Creative Direction concept allows the client to utilize a Creative Director in managing the creative resources of any or all parts of a marketing communications program or system on a dedicated or as-needed basis. The key to successfully developing great communications programs is in directing the power of this creativity to the maximum in all you do. Creativity in managing resources. Creativity in strategic thinking. Creativity in conceptual development. And creativity in producing unique solutions.

These services are now available through Creative Direction in the form of a personal Creative Director. Me! (And soon, others like me.) This new and unique marketing resource combines the talent, experience, and full knowledge of the creative and marketing processes and disciplines that can make a remarkable change in improving the the bottom line of your company.

By adding leadership and motivation in managing or upgrading your products or capabilities, by applying the latest technological advances, by providing a dynamic partnership in the development of your programs or projects, or by bringing together the best possible team of specialists, Creative Direction can make a substantial difference in raising the level of quality of all your communications activities.

Please browse the other areas on the Creative Direction Web site or contact me now if you're interested in a more personal discussion.

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Creative Direction, Inc.

23530 Joyce Avenue, Cicero, IN 46034 / Phone: (317) 984-8602 / (800) 638-6146 / Fax: (317) 984-3641
E-Mail: [email protected]

� 1995 Creative Direction, Inc.
Photographs: PhotoDisc