Oscar Mayer® Tickets for the
Super Bowl Scrapbook.

Super Bowl Years 1967 through 1969

It's game time! And you were there! Click on any previous Super Bowl ticket (I, II, and III) to experience a flashback of any one of the fantastic Super Bowls from the past 30 years. (If you were lucky enough to attend one of these contests between the AFC and the NFC, you might remember that the tickets shown here are the originals.)

To browse through other years in the Super Bowl Scrapbook, just click on years 1970 through 1979, 1980 through 1989, and 1990 through 1995.

©NFL 1967-69

Super Bowl, NFL, the Super Bowl logos and the NFL shield are registered trademarks of the National Football League. Team names, nicknames and helmet designs are the registered trademarks of the Teams indicated.